Q. My kids dont do well together. Should
I separate them into different classes? A. From experience I have found that siblings
work better together when they are actively involved in something that
is fun. R.S.V.P. classes are fun! Even teens who were very unhappy to
find they had been enrolled in the classes to begin, wind up enjoying
the classes and asking lots of questions. Q. Mine is an only child. Shouldnt he
be in with peers? A. I have found that each student is different.
If your child needs a friend or buddy to take the class with, you can
always ask friends, neighbors or relatives. Sometimes teens want personal
attention and do not feel comfortable learning how to be more socially
self confident with others around. They do not want to appear dumb
in front of peers. One-on-one courses are a bit more expensive, however
they help pave the path to a better self-image and are highly worth the
price. Q. If I take the class too, will my child really
want to learn as much? A. Yes. When your child sees that you are willing to master the same skills that he or she is being taught, enthusiasm in the classes grows. |
Call today for more information For information on scheduling classes or a personal consultation, email Maura at rsvpinstitute@gmail.com. |